Phoenix Sustainability GmbH

Real estate is our passion and our future.

Therefore, we think and act sustainably and established the consulting company “Phoenix Sustainability GmbH”. Phoenix Sustainability GmbH is specialized in all matters of regenerative energy production. From consulting and planning to construction, operation and maintenance, we find a suitable and intelligent solution for modern energy supply for every real estate project.

We focus on resource-saving energy management and sustainable energy generation with renewable energy. We therefore place photovoltaic systems on residential and commercial properties and wherever possible, as it is one of the most eco-friendly methods of generating electricity.

In this way, we contribute, as a company, to climate protection by reducing CO2 emissions.

Advantages at a glance:

Cost savings
Sun is an inexhaustible source of energy in contrast to fossil fuels, which cause high costs for electricity generation

Energy independence
Decentralized energy power is generated directly where it is needed

We understand the increasing development and demand for electric vehicles and provide a future-proof charging infrastructure, for which self-generated electricity is also used

Positive eco-balance
Due to modern technology, the required energy to produce the components is recouped after just a few years.

The modules of a photovoltaic system can be dismantled at the end of their service and can be reused almost completely in a production process.

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